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Apéro Littéraire

Cultural, Lecture, Literature, Wine/wine expertise/spirits in Vic-en-Bigorre
  • The LA LITOTE bookstore and the “Un château à Vic” wine cellar invite you to a Literary aperitif! From 6:30 p.m., you can taste the wine of a Domaine Béarnais and discover the author Gilles Vincent. Gilles Vincent will talk to us about his latest works, "DJEBEL" (reissue in the collection du noir au sud) and the darkness of the Algerian war "A LA VUE A LA MORT" teen novel in the Rester vivant collection, and of course "AMADEUS" the expected sequel to "USUAL VICTIM'S", but also, a little...
    The LA LITOTE bookstore and the “Un château à Vic” wine cellar invite you to a Literary aperitif! From 6:30 p.m., you can taste the wine of a Domaine Béarnais and discover the author Gilles Vincent. Gilles Vincent will talk to us about his latest works, "DJEBEL" (reissue in the collection du noir au sud) and the darkness of the Algerian war "A LA VUE A LA MORT" teen novel in the Rester vivant collection, and of course "AMADEUS" the expected sequel to "USUAL VICTIM'S", but also, a little focus on "In the pain of the century" and other novels. Find out more about Litote: Here the book is king! Understatement, you will find a wide literary choice on site, but also on order, books in French, English and Spanish, with relatively fast delivery times. Nathalie welcomes you with a smile, she combines charm and knowledge. It is a general bookstore: literature, youth literature and documentaries, high school annals, society and philosophy essays, Pyrenees- hiking and various beautiful books, board games from 3 to 103 years old, beautiful original cards, etc. It will give you also offers a wide range of stationery, card making and school textbook sales.
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